Dr. Henry Giroux comes at us again with a detailed explanation of how the capitalist economic system molds minds to further its interests. Of course higher education is a target as Giroux explains: “Higher education represents one area where neoliberalism wages war on any field of study that might encourage students to think critically. One egregious example was on full display in North Carolina, where Republican Party members – who control the Board of Governors – decimated higher education in that state by voting to cut 46 degree programs. One member defended such cuts with the comment, “We’re capitalists, and we have to look at what the demand is, and we have to respond to the demand.” (9) This is more than an example of crude economic instrumentalism, it is also a recipe for instituting an academic culture of thoughtlessness and a kind of stupidity receptive to what Hannah Arendt once called totalitarianism.  Read the full article.



This situation reflects practices in the USA, but is quite analogous to our own in Canada.  College and university students are being educated by adjunct professors (sessionals) who are being paid poverty level wages. All while student debt is at historic levels.

An association called the New Faculty Majority has produced a short film that tells the story of these teachers who have dedicated their lives to imparting knowledge to the next generation.


In A Liberal Education is Now More Useful Than Job-Specific Skills, John Kay discusses the need for strong programmes in the Arts. Coming on the heels of US/Indian journalist and news commentator, Fareed Zakaria’s recent publication,  In defense of  a Liberal Education, Kay underscores how necessary a degree in the Liberal Arts will be in a rapidly changing world.

After hearing the arguments for and against the Cuts proposed by this university one should be dismayed but not surprised. As an organisation, U of M bills itself as promoting “truth” while simultaneously playing host to one of the planets most controversial multi-national companies on its campus: Monsanto. A recent article refers to the manner in which such companies make money: by destroying our own habitat, and affecting, indeed, our health.


Post Doc, Grad, and Undergraduate Student Academic Workers (CUPE 3902 Unit 1) are on strike at the University of Toronto.  The U of T has not increased the student funding package since 2008.  While the hourly rates may have increased, these increases have been offset by a decrease in other funding to students (see the graphic).  Read more about the reasons behind the U of T strike here.


At York, Contract Faculty, TAs, Graduate Assistants, and Research Assistants are also on strike.  Some of their concerns centre around job security and the issues created when increasing international student tuition is not reflected in pay.  A recent video reminds everyone that this is all part of a struggle to protect the quality of education.

CUPE 3909 stands in solidarity with Academic Workers facing worsening working conditions.  Read our letter of support below.

Download (PDF, 264KB)


If you are interested in being the Unit 1 CUPE 3909 Representative on a Local Area Safety and Health committee, please contact us.  The University has not yet met the legislated requirements for these committees and it is important to note that you will be paid for your time preparing for meetings, performing duties required for the meetings, as well as for your time at the meetings.  Read more about LASH committees at the UM.

Recognition & Respect?

UNIT 2 PORTAL with ranksAt the University of Manitoba, a notable percentage of courses are taught by Sessional Academic Workers (Unit 2) with a smaller number taught by Student Academic Workers (Unit 1).  CUPE 3909 believes that these teachers make important contributions to the student experience and to education but working conditions do not usually reflect those efforts.

The CUPE 3903 campaign “A Better York is Possible” recently posted a video that outlines the contributions of Contract Faculty despite the difficulties of this precarious employment model.

In the US, these educators are often called Adjuncts and there is a growing recognition of the worsening working conditions of these workers.  An article in the New Yorker addresses the fact that most students are not aware that some of their instructors are precariously employed.