UM Careers job categories

Student Academic Worker (Unit 1) categories

description level
Grader/Marker 1
Grader/Marker 2
Teaching Assistant / Lab Demonstrator / Seminar Leader / Tutor 1
Teaching Assistant / Lab Demonstrator / Seminar Leader / Tutor 2
Teaching Assistant / Lab Demonstrator / Seminar Leader / Tutor 3
Lecturer/Instructor (this category no longer exists) 1
Lecturer/Instructor 2
Distance Ed Student Instructor n/a

Sessional Academic Workers (Unit 2) categories

NOTE: Students may apply for Sessional positions but their appointment will be under the Student Academic Worker (Unit 1) collective agreement.

Sessional Instructor / Sessional Librarian / Sessional Counsellor
Distance Ed Sessional Instructor
Music Teacher

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