For the past few years, CUPE 3909 has been a part of the University’s TA workshop, open to Student Academic Workers in CUPE 3909 positions. This year, we discovered that some areas told students that the workshop was mandatory but that those attending would not be paid. As a result of a student coming forward we were able to bring this to the University’s attention and the situation was corrected with the understanding that if there are mandatory orientations, the individuals would be paid. If your department or supervisor told you that an orientation session was mandatory but that you would not be paid, please contact us.
If you are a Sessional Academic Worker, you may not have had an orientation at all. The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) has an online handbook that may answer some of your questions, although some information is becoming outdated. If you have any further questions or concerns about your contract or your working conditions, please feel free to contact us.